Dragon Saga, previously known as Dragonica Online, is an innovative side scrolling 3D Fantasy MMORPG currently being published by THQ. Unlike other traditional side-scrollers Dragon Saga is actually 3D, meaning players have a bit more freedom in moving their character. With numerous quests, an excellent dungeon system, and fun, fast-paced gameplay, Dragon Saga offers a unique gaming experience well worth exploring.
Warrior - Warriors are the traditional ‘tank’ class in Dragon Saga. They have a large pool of hit points and are effective in melee combat but have little ranged damage.
Thief – Thieves, like in most games, are proficient at dealing damage and rely on their agility to attack rapidly in combat. Even though they can deal large amounts of damage they are vulnerable in melee combat as they have don’t have nearly as many hit points as a warrior.
Magician - The Magician in Dragon Saga is the basic spell caster of the game. They have both supportive and offensive spells and can better specialize after their first job advancement. They are extremely weak in melee range as they have the least hit points in the game.
Archer – The archer class in Dragon Saga is proficient with both bow weapons and can deal a fair amount of damage from a distance but is vulnerable in melee range. They have more hit points than a Magician but less than a Warrior.
Minimum Requirements:
OS: Windows XP / Vista
CPU: Pentium 4 1.6 GHz / AMD XP 2500+ or better
RAM: 512 MB or more
HDD: 2 GB Free
Graphics Card: GeForce2, ATI X300, Geforce 5500/6200/7300 or better
Recommended Specifications:
OS: Windows Vista / XP
CPU: Pentium 4 2.4 GHz
RAM: 1024 MB (1 GB)
HDD: 2 GB Free
Graphics Card: GeForce2 FX5700
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